AWARE Dive Against Debris

AWARE Dive Against Debris


Dive Against DeBRIS

Project Aware’s Dive Against Debris is a global initiative to protect our oceans and the marine life that inhabits them. Now, central and north Florida residents can make a difference by participating in the Dive Against Debris Course offered by Aegir Diving School. This course provides divers with the skills necessary to identify, assess, remove and record debris from aquatic environments safely and effectively.

Participants learn how to collect data on debris they find while diving which Project Aware can use to study trends in ocean pollution. They also learn to understand how their actions as divers can help reduce ocean debris before it has a chance to impact marine ecosystems.

Additionally, participants have an opportunity to create a plan for ongoing dives against debris after completion of the course.
The Dive Against Debris Course provides Florida residents with an effective way to contribute positively towards protecting our oceans and their inhabitants.

What is Project AWARE?

Project AWARE is a global movement that unites scuba divers worldwide to protect the ocean and its inhabitants. They bring together divers of all ages, backgrounds, and experience levels to help tackle one of the most pressing issues facing our oceans; marine debris. Launched in 1989 by PADI (the Professional Association of Diving Instructors), Project AWARE works to mobilize individuals within their local communities while raising global awareness.

Nowhere is this mission more critical than in Florida. Marine debris takes many forms, from plastic bags tangled in coral reefs to discarded fishing nets that entrap fish and other sea creatures. That’s why PADI has created an innovative Project Aware Dive Against Debris course for those passionate about helping make a difference in this growing crisis.

Dive Against Debris Course Details & Benefits

The course focuses on teaching divers strategies for documenting debris found underwater and proper disposal techniques to ensure the waste does not re-enter the environment. Participants will also gain an understanding of what types of debris are accepted under this program and how they can interact with local communities to raise awareness about marine conservation efforts.

This course offers numerous benefits, including increased knowledge about ocean health issues related to debris pollution and an opportunity for divers to make a tangible difference in reducing environmental impacts from trash accumulation. It also provides a way for dive professionals to receive certification demonstrating their dedication to underwater clean-up efforts.

Conclusion: Join the Movement

The Project Aware Dive Against Debris Course has been an important source of inspiration and action to help clean up the underwater environment. To protect and preserve our oceans, divers have joined forces with Project Aware to become citizen scientists, collecting data that will be used to develop effective policies for marine conservation.

The movement continues to grow as more divers recognize the importance of protecting our oceans and participating in local initiatives. With each dive, divers gather invaluable information about debris accumulations, types of garbage found underwater, and its effect on marine life. By joining the movement, divers make a positive difference for our planet’s future through their commitment to ocean preservation and conservation.


$365 – Includes 2 Dives offshore Florida to be determined at a future date

Diver will need to have a debris bag for the dives, which is not included but can be purchased separately.

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