AWARE Shark Conservation

AWARE Shark Conservation

Shark Conservation Course

About The Class

You’re out on a dive and you slowly see a distant figure approaching and you see a telltale dorsal fin, likely a shark.  It gets closer, yep its a shark.  But what species is it?  A bull or reef shark?  Could it be perhaps a nurse shark?  Do you get a tinge up your spine in not knowing if you need to be on guard?

Aegir Diving School located in north east Florida has a Shark Conservation class you can take. Enroll in an AWARE Shark Conservation class and learn more about these misunderstood creatures and come to understand just how essential they are to the health of the big blue.  You may also be a bit shocked to learn about the declining shark population worldwide and decide to become a shark defender to help save our oceans.

Contact us for scheduling and pricing